
Showing posts with the label lansscape


  Believe it or not now is the time to incorporate  organic amendments  into your garden before the winter rains occur. Organic amendments applied during this time of year will take advantage of rain hopefully over winter percolating nutrients into the root system of plant material which will promote healthy grass growth in the spring. Organic soil amendments improve coarse-textured (sandy) soils by increasing the water and nutrient holding capacity. Organic soil amendments help fight harmful plant diseases. Using amendments from a local source can reduce fossil fuel use and air pollution compared to shipping products across the country. Here are a few benefits of using Soil Amendments:   Spring Soil Preparation Soil improvement is an ongoing process and can sometimes take ten or more years to build productive garden soil. If the soil has too much sand or too much clay, the solution to both is the same add organic material. Organic materials, also known...